Happy Time Murders Funny as Hell

Note: Very long, runs to 28 pages. "Editorial we" (look it up if you are unsure what it means) meaning "I" is used throughout this document. However, "we" also often means the conclusion of me and my fellow team members too.

First, a pitch for support for this website and our sleuthing group:

Our private group is clearly the best Delphi sleuthing group on the Internet by far and has been since it was founded four years ago in 2017.

Unlike any other sleuthers, we have determined the main suspects in the case, have a good idea of what happened during the crime and what the crime scene looked like, and have recently figured out the motive. Best of all, much of our information is via solid sources such as search party members, official case documents, and LE sources close to the investigation. No one else has come close to uncovering the amount and quality of information we have.

Why not join the 240+ members who have already signed up for the best Delphi sleuthing team of all? How about getting your money's worth? There is a small fee of $20 to join, which includes lifetime membership.

Join the best Delphi sleuthing group of all!

Shocking New Rumor Adds More Weight to the Connection between the Delphi and Evansdale Murders

As we noted in previous posts, observation of the blown up stills from the helicopter video show both girls' bodies posed in a sexual tableau. A knife appears to be plunged into either one girl's shoulder or the log in back of her.

We have been accused by the folks on the utterly worthless Reddit Delphi subreddits who won't believe anything in life until there's 20 controlled, double blind studies showing it is true that we are simply hallucinating things with our observations of these stills from the helicopter video. It's nothing but pixels, they say. There are also the usual darker accusations of the photos being doctored, but we are used to that stuff. We didn't doctor the photos as I myself don't even know how to work a graphics program. The man who created these images actually works independently as a physicist. He would appear to be beyond reproach with an occupation like that.

If you think that interpretation is strange and we are just seeing things, note that our interpretation of what looks like a knife stuck into either the girl's shoulder or the log next to it has been confirmed by a female search party member. This woman said that a knife had been plunged into either the girl's shoulder or the log next to it. The girl's hand had been wrapped around the handle of the plunged knife to make it appear that the girl had plunged the knife herself into what we now believe is the log. So we do have some independent confirmation of our interpretation of these photos.

We also felt upon observing the photos that both girls' legs appeared to be spread and they had been posed in a sexual manner or tableau. This was confirmed also by the search party member.

In this photo, you can see both girls' bodies very well. The one circled in green has obviously been posed in a spreadeagled fashion in a sexual tableau. The other girl is immediately to the left of her, and she appears to have been posed in this spreadeagled sexual manner also.

In addition, we still don't believe it, but there does appear to be a gigantic stuffed animal placed next to one of the girls. You can see it for yourself in the photo.

Here is the absolutely insane photo from the helicopter footage of the crime scene, and, yep, that definitely looks like a gigantic stuffed animal. It seems to be holding something in its hand. If it is, then it may be one of those giant Valentines Day stuffed animals which often have a note in their hand saying, "I love you," etc. We are not prepared at the moment to say that that is a giant stuffed animal. Instead we believe there was "a large toy, possibly a stuffed animal, that was so large that BG could not possibly have been carrying it with him on the bridge that day."

The search party member did not specifically reference that stuffed animal, but she did say there was a very large "toy at the scene, possibly a stuffed animal, that was so large that BG could not possibly have been carrying it with him on the bridge that day." So we believe that the photo is vindicated in a sense. At this point we feel that while a massive stuffed animal may not be proven, the presence at the crime scene of "a large toy, possibly a stuffed animal, that was so large that BG could not possibly have been carrying it with him on the bridge that day" has been proven.

Same image, zoomed. You can see what appears to be a white bra that the girl may be wearing. The red dot is the girl's head, and the green dot is the knife that has been plunged into what we now believe is the log that her head is resting on.

We now feel that the knife is plunged into the log on which the girl's head is resting, which gives us a tiny bit of solace that the murders were a tiny bit less awful than we had thought.

This photo shows a closeup of one of the girls' bodies. You can see that her hair is reddish colored. The white area is her breasts, and for some odd reason, she seems to be wearing a bra, which conflicts with the testimony of search party members. The knife is highlighted in green.

The reason we feel that way is a new completely unverified rumor about the Evansdale Murders that states that there was a knife in a tree at the Evansdale dump site. If there was a knife in a tree at Evansdale, then that knife in Delphi is more likely to be stuck into the log than into the poor girl's shoulder.

To sum up, a knife was plunged into a log in the Delphi murders. We feel pretty certain about that. A new rumor says there was a knife in a tree at Evansdale. As you will see below, LE now feels that BG also committed the Evansdale Murders. If the new rumor is correct, then knives were plunged into trees at both crime scenes! That's breathtaking news!

A Brief Overview of the Evansdale Double Murders and Two Dead End Suspects in the Case

Via a newspaper article in the Indianapolis Star and an LE sources close to the Delphi Murders investigation, we have learned that LE now suspects that BG also killed the Evansdale girls.

First, an overview of the Evansdale case:

The Evansdale girls were found on the other side of a creek/river away from main park in Seven Bridges County Park although a significant distance from where abducted in Evansdale. They were taken quite a ways away and found much later. Regardless, the landscape is similar in both locations. In both cases, they had been stalked and taken off public trails before the bodies were found.

The girls were found in a semi-remote location. The park used to be a well-known camping area but was shut down years before, as it attracted some undesirable people (meth, crime, etc.). Delphi's high bridge was likely known to more folks than people let on like Seven Bridges. The bridge had been there for about 100 years. I imagine kids have been going out there for decades as well as undesirable folks as well. I also imagine Seven Bridges has been used by hunters both in-state and out of state and campers as well.

The Evansdale trail actually wraps around a few streets after Myers Lake, crosses a river, and continues south. It's a pretty long trail like Delphi's. It can be seen form the interstate. There are signs for both Myers Lake and Delphi's trails in each town and I believe also from both highways or overpasses nearby.

Law enforcement will never say that any two cases are connected unless DNA or fingerprints are involved. To say otherwise will sabotage the case in court if an arrest is made in one case but not the other.

Evansdale and Waterloo tend to bleed into one another as well as the city of Cedar Falls, which rests on the opposite side of Waterloo as Evansdale. The three cities rest along the Cedar River and seem to have grown into one another, which has created a larger metropolitan area.

Despite Evansdale having a population of just under 5,000, more than 100,000 people live in the immediate vicinity; giving it a small-town feel but having all the benefits of a much-larger suburbia.

The girls were abducted from Myers Lake, and they were found five months later at Seven Bridges Wildlife Park.

The remains had been somewhat shrouded in an isolated area of the park where foot traffic wasn't a huge concern; in fact, investigators stated that the remains were placed in a location that someone would have had to have almost been on top of to notice. If anyone was walking a few feet away from the remains, they likely would have missed them.

The abduction of two children at once in broad daylight was such a rare offense that the FBI had only recorded roughly 15 similar incidents between 1974 and the date that the cousins went missing in July of 2012.

A suspect vehicle was seen at the scene were the girls were abducted. It was described as a large, white, full-sized, old-model SUV – possibly a Chevy Suburban or a Ford Bronco – which had been spotted by multiple witnesses near the crime scene between 11:30 AM and 12:30 PM on July 13th, 2012.

Three separate witnesses had seen this vehicle on Arbutus Avenue at around the time the girls went missing – which is located just next to Lake Avenue (where the girls had last been seen) as well as next to Meyers Lake (where their bikes were found).

Similarities Between the Evansdale and Delphi Crimes

The LE source below is an LE sources close to the Delphi Murders investigation.

  • The Evansdale crime was committed on 7-13-12, and the Delphi crime was committed on 2-13-17. The two dates are perfect reversals of one another.
  • The two dates – 2/13/2017 & 2/13/2012 are the same in numerology (16): 2+1+3+2+0+1+7 = 16 and 7+1+3/+2+0+1+2 = 16. Adding them together gives us 32, a significant number in numerology with ominous overtones.
  • Strange objects were placed around both sets of bodies. (Source: LE)
  • Girls were posed in both cases, in a sexual manner in Delphi and possibly in Evansdale also. (Source: LE)
  • The sets of girls in both cases were trapped at the end of a path from which it would be hard to escape.
  • There was a knife placed in a tree near one girl in Delphi. Her hand was wrapped around it to make it appear that she was stabbing the tree. There is a rumor of a knife in a tree at Evansdale too. (Source for Delphi: Helicopter video and search party member)
  • Two girls aged 8 and 10, and two other girls aged 13 and 14, abducted and killed five years apart. One group of girls is 4-5 years older than the other set of girls.
  • Both occurred on the 13th day of the month: Friday, July 13, 2012 and Monday, Feb 13, 2017.
  • Both crimes occurred in daylight hours (afternoon).
  • Girls were at local parks but in an area where they were separated from other visitors.
  • Both crimes occurred in tiny rural towns.
  • Small, inexperienced (in major crimes) police forces were first responders in both crimes.
  • State Rd 218 exists very close to both crime scenes,
  • Each crime occurred perhaps less than a mile from a four-lane highway.
  • Trails are located at both Monon High Bridge in Delphi and Meyers Lake in Evansdale, where it is known as the Evansdale Nature Trail/Cedar Valley Nature Trail.
  • The body types of one set of girls matches the body types of the other set.
  • At least one girl in each set of girls was an avid online communicator. In the case of Delphi, it was Libby.
  • At least one girl in each set lived part-time with a grandparent.
  • Both sets of girls' bodies were found 50 ft. from a slow moving stream.
  • Bodies were left in depressions in both cases. The sets of bodies were difficult to see unless you were almost right on top of them.
  • Body locations in both crimes suggested that the suspect had a familiarity with the area surrounding the park.
  • Body locations for both crimes are fishing/hunting/outdoorsman spots.
  • "Bridges" exist at both locations.
  • Geocaches were hidden at Monon High Bridge, Meyers Lake, and Seven Bridges.
  • "Rails to Trails" is an active organization in both locations.
  • Outlets for the Weichman pig company exist in both crime locations.
  • Tyson pig slaughtering plants are present in or near each location.
  • Transco Railway products/services outlets exist at both locations or very close (Logansport).
The Jeff Altmeyer Dead End

In November of 2016, in the small town of Onawa, Iowa, a little over 200 miles to the west of Evansdale, two elementary school girls returned home in a hurry. They told their family that a man had attempted to lure them into a vehicle just moments prior.

Two of their older relatives and a neighbor decided to jump into a vehicle and chase after the vehicle that had attempted to lure the two girls, which was just now leaving their neighborhood. The car, a silver-gray 2004 Ford Focus, was easy to catch up to, but the driver tried to distance himself from the pursuing vehicle when he realized that he had been caught.

The car of young adults was able to keep pace with the man in the Ford Focus: a middle-aged white man with dark hair and a goatee, who appeared a little heavyset. When the vehicles pulled alongside one another, the man behind the wheel of the Ford Focus claimed that he was an undercover police officer and threatened violence against his pursuers. Yet they stayed on him for several miles, pursuing him out-of-town until police were able to show up and arrest the man.

The man's identity was revealed as 58-year old Jeff Altmayer, who lived in Ankeny, Iowa. He had served in the National Guard between 1977 and 1983, and was by all accounts a pretty regular guy. He had been married for over thirty years and now had two adult children that had moved out of his house. He had spent decades working for security companies before becoming an independent security consultant. At the time of his arrest in 2014, Altmeyer was working as a traveling auto damage field inspector, which allowed him to travel through Iowa and the Midwest regularly.

Jeff Altmeyer was arrested and charged with trying to entice children – a crime that he had apparently been committing all over Iowa. His crimes occurred not only in Onawa – which is in Monona County – but also in Jasper and Grundy Counties. In fact, between May and December of 2016, Altmeyer had attempted to lure dozens of underage girls into his car; at times, actually succeeding. Some of these girls were let go a block or two away, but on at least two occasions, Altmeyer had sexually assaulted these victims, who ranged in age from 6 to 13 years old.

The Michael J. Klunder Dead End

For years, LE's main suspect in the Evansdale murders has been Michael J. Klunder. In 2013, he kidnapped two girls in Dayton, Iowa, not far from Evansdale. He took two girls, but while he was raping and murdering the 14 year old, the 12 year old he took managed to escape. The 12 year old notified police quickly. I don't have details, but Klunder committed suicide soon after the crime, whether due to police closing in on him or for another reason, I don't know. Sadly, they found the 14 year old dead too, but the 12 year old escaped and is miraculously doing better than you would imagine.

He was linked to Evansdale right after he killed the girl and himself because it was a year after the Evansdale murders where two girls were kidnapped and murdered. It just so happened there were two people in the same area that were kidnapping and murdering more than one child at once. LE have now fully ruled him out as a suspect in Evansdale, and obviously he was dead by the time of Delphi.

Their new suspect, Mr. X, is a much better suspect for Evansdale than Klunder. For one thing, Klunder's MO and the Evansdale killer's were completely different. The MO of the Delphi Killer was much closer to the MO of the Evansdale killer, hence this is why LE now believe that BG killed the Evansdale girls too.

Alibi for Delphi Suspect Revealed to Be a Police Officer (Since Deceased)

If you recall earlier posts, we stated that LE has a main suspect in the Delphi Murders who we referred to as Mr. X. Of course, that doesn't mean he did it. Cops pursue innocent suspects all the time in cases like this. One of the problems with arresting this man for the murders is that he was being provided with a solid alibi that he was in another town when the murders occurred. We always wondered what was so solid about this alibi.

It now turns out that it was being provided by a Delphi police officer who was a friend of Mr. X's. I assume an alibi being provided by a police officer is solid. This alibi held for three years and 10 months until the officer committed suicide in Delphi, Indiana on December 20, 2020, only five months ago. So now the suspect has a solid alibi, but the alibi cannot be broken because the person providing it is dead.

No reason was ever given for the suicide. We believe the officer worked with the Police Rangers young people group. We can now reveal that the name of this man is Nate Miler. Here is his Facebook page.

Revelation about the Nature of Case Document(s) We Have: At Least One Search Warrant

We are now able to reveal that one of the case documents we have is a search warrant for the Maxwell property. We will not say how we obtained this document. In fact, perhaps that is not the only search warrant in our possession. Perhaps it is, perhaps it isn't. Who knows?

We can also reveal that the following information can be gleaned from this document:

LE is looking for photos, videos, cameras, videocameras, and/or film. Why on Earth would LE be looking for photos and video? They would only be looking for that if they thought BG had photos or video of interest in the crime. Which means they think he took photos or video of his crime. This ties in with a rumor, also validated by Leigh Kerr, that BG recorded his crime in a videotape, which he then sent to Abby's phone soon after the crime was committed, maybe a few hours later. This seems to be a particularly cruel thing to do to a victim.

LE is looking for a gun in order to do ballistics tests on it. The only reason they could be looking for a gun is if a gun was used by BG in the crime. The only reason they would want to do ballistics tests is if they had a cartridge from the gun. This ties in with a rumor that a single cartridge was found at the scene. The document also notes that the gun is a rare model, possibly a collector's model. The document may or may not refer to a .40mm handgun.

By the way, the leader of one of the Reddit groups also obtained this same document. They obtained it through a public records request.

People are wondering why on Earth we could have obtained a case document from someone who was once a suspect in the case. People have said that they have never heard of such thing. Well, when a suspect is served with a search warrant, apparently the suspect is allowed to retain a copy of the document. So there's your answer.

Rumor That I Am Getting Trolled, Fed Bad Intel, and Directed in a Wrong Direction

This argument is laid out by the moderator of the Libby and Abby Reddit group. By the way, I am a member of that group, and I even post there sometimes. Funny no one knows who I am! She is not my friend at all, but unlike most such folks, she is actually somewhat fair-minded. Somewhat! I really don't care if people like me or not as I have more haters than there are stars in the sky (you get used to being hated after a while), but I request that those who feel this way be fair-minded. Your adversaries rarely are, so I felt that her stance should be noted.

Here is the Reddit thread:

Poster X: Ok. I meant blogger RL. One of his sources for the wild signatures claims is a woman in the search party that found Abby and Libby. He says that was corroborated by another woman in the search party, but who knows?

I don't think blogger RL would intentionally mislead people. I say this simply because I think he, just like anyone else, wants to be right at the end of the day, and if he's misleading people, he's ultimately going to look like a bit of a tool.

That doesn't mean he's necessarily getting good intel, however.

He claims he has access to court documents that someone who was investigated for the Delphi murders was given after they were covered, as a debriefing I guess? I've never heard of LE doing anything like that before. Seems unlikely when LE is so hush hush otherwise. Someone may be messing with him.

I think you've alluded before to the fact that it seems like someone out there is intentionally spreading disinformation. It sure does seem like that sometimes. People on the internet being sloppy or trying to develop theories is one thing. People who are genuinely trying to direct people in one direction or another is an entirely different thing, and it needs to be looked at closely.

Poster Y: Oh, one of the women who was very close to the scene was involved with talking to RL the blogger, I heard. I did not witness them talk first hand, but I heard she told him some pretty wild stuff that she was either trolling him with, or if true, is just flat bizarre.

Poster X: Yeah, if what she's saying is true, then they need to find this sick SOB. They need to anyhow. But he is in a league of his own sick.

Poster Y: Need to be delicate here but good friend of mine who the woman knows and was following along this convo messaged me and said that none of the stuff about the dolls is true and backup proof. Robert Lindsey is getting fed BS by someone else, it sounds like.

Poster Z: I never did believe there were dolls involved.

First of all, this comment:

I don't think blogger RL would intentionally mislead people. I say this simply because I think he, just like anyone else, wants to be right at the end of the day, and if he's misleading people he's ultimately going to look like a bit of a tool.

Of course! That's so obvious, I don't know why people can't figure that out.


Oh, one of the women who was very close to the scene was involved with talking to RL the blogger, I heard. I did not witness them talk first hand, but I heard she told him some pretty wild stuff that she was either trolling him with, or if true, is just flat bizarre.

This is correct. In addition, this very same woman also spoke to another woman who I work closely with Team Member A (TMA). She is a woman in her mid-60's. She told this woman all of the very same things that she told me. So that's very good backup. The search party woman, Search Party Woman A or SPA, is in her 40's and is a typical housewife type, the last person you would think would lie or flake about anything.

Need to be delicate here but good friend of mine who the woman knows was following along this convo messaged me and said that none of that is true about the dolls and provided backup proof.

Robert Lindsey is getting fed BS by someone else it sounds like.

This is the part that needs to be challenged. Supposedly a friend of SPA who talked to me now says that SPA was trolling me and fed me a bunch of lies.

Well, fine.

Problem is that SPA did not just talk to me. She spoke to me and TMA, and she told her all of the same things she told me. So she trolled both of us? Dubious.

In addition, a woman who I am very close to, Team Member B or TMB, also spoke to a search party member, another woman who is different from the housewife in her 40's named Search Party Member B or SPB. This is a younger woman in her 30's. SPB told TMB that she is finally going public with what she saw at the scene because it has been eating away at her for several years, and she had to spill to get some relief. SMB verified all of the points that SPA told me and TMA.

Now, even if the SPA both me and TMA (and keep in mind that she's the last person who would do such a thing), everything she told us has been backed up perfectly by the SPB who talked to TMB. Ok, now SPB is trolling us too? Thing is, I am told that the SPA and SPB have never met each other.

And finally, note that SPA is said to be specifically trolling me about dolls being present at the site. Not only did she also tell TMB there were dolls at the site (specifically, dolls in trees), but SPB told TMB that there were dolls in trees at the site.

And in addition, as noted in other posts, we now have a detective in Indians who is feeding us information. He has never worked on the case, so he is just giving us what he's heard, which is no doubt only part of the facts in the case. However, this detective specifically us there were dolls at the crime scene:

There were so many dolls, it looked like he had gone to the Goodwill and bought a bunch of dolls and strew them all around.

Ok, now the "dolls at the crime scene" rumor is backed up by an additional search party member and a detective who is privy to the facts about the case.

Still think I am being trolled and fed false information? I think not.

A Question about Mr. X's Voice

In this Reddit thread, a poster who once felt that Mr. X was the suspect now says he doubts that that is true because Mr. X's voice is a poor fit for BG's voice.

Ok, valid complaint.

However, LE sources close to the investigation that a former roommate of Mr. X's who lived with him during 2011-2012, presumably during one of the periods when Mr. X was separated from his wife, went to LE with his suspicions that Mr. X was BG. The roommate said that BG's walk was a dead ringer for Mr. X's walk. He also said the BG's clothes "looked familiar," that is, looked like clothes that Mr. X had worn. And finally and most importantly, the roommate said that BG's voice was "close" to Mr. X's voice.

So, we will beg to differ with the Reddit poster above, who by the way, we actually like.

Leigh Kerr Now Contradicting Himself on Mr. X

Sigh. I knew this would happen. Based on the information revealed by Leaker, he could only have been referring to Mr. X when he discussed the prime suspect in the case. However, Leaker has now come out and stated unequivocally that Mr. X is not the prime suspect. The link leads to a relevant Reddit discussion about this matter. We are quite upset at Leaker for flaking out on us like that, but we believe a ready explanation is available.

We think that Leaker is covering his tracks about Mr. X, possibly because he doesn't want Mr. X to get hurt or harassed based on information that Leaker put out there. Nevertheless, Leaker is seriously harming his credibility by flaking like this, and we are not happy campers regarding this man. However, we continue to believe he is basically correct in his leaks despite his recent flakery.

In addition, keep in mind that it is not just Leaker that is saying that Mr. X is the key suspect. We also have an article in the Indianapolis Star and the detective mentioned above that have both verified for us that Mr. X is indeed the main suspect. So we're not real concerned about Leaker flaking on us like that, although it shows immature and flaky behavior on his part to change his story like that.

2-13, 2:13, 2/13, 2/13

Remember when the FBI profile came out about BG? Remember when it said that "he may be unusually interested in numbers?"

In the Delphi Murders:

  • 2/13: The Delphi Murders were committed on February 13, 2017. February 13 is 2/13. 2-13
  • 2:13: The girls were abducted at precisely 2:13 PM. We know this because we have an official case document that states this. The document states, for no apparent reason, that the girls were both abducted at 2:13 PM. The fact that LE states this on this important document means that they think this is important. 2-13 again
  • 2-13: Two girls were abducted; one of them was 13 years old, the other but a year older. 2-13 again.

In the Evansdale Murders:

The Evansdale girls were abducted on July 13, 2012. Two girls were abducted at once on the 13th of the month. 2-13.

Judging from the number sequence 2,13 repeating four times across the two murders and the absolutely incredible news that BG timed the abduction so precisely that he abducted them at precisely 2:13 in the afternoon, it does seem that either this sequence has some sort of meaning to him or he is just playing games with us.

In terms of numerology:

  • 2/13 added together gives us 6
  • 2:13 added together gives us 6
  • 2-13 added together gives us 6
  • Putting the sequences together, we get 666.

That is the mark of the Devil. I'm not saying this is what he was getting at. Instead I am saying this might be part of it.

Quite a Few New Rumors

We have uncovered quite a few new rumors from sources that have tended to be quite good in the past. I can't tell you who these people are, but one is a woman named JM. JM also has LE connections, and she was the one who gave us testimonies from two LE officers, a sheriff in a nearby country and a detective working in Narcotics.

All rumors are unverified unless otherwise stated. The rumors:

  • The crime scene begins at the Robinson's backyard (find it on a map near the dump site) and goes the length of a football field or 300 feet. LE feels that the girls were marched down from the Robinson's to the kill site where they were killed.
  • Libby's phone was found at the scene, but nothing could be obtained from it because it was destroyed. I assume that BG destroyed it. All of the information from Libby's phone came from the Cloud.
  • Abby's phone was also recovered at the scene. She may have hidden it in a tree.
  • BG wearing a watch on his right hand, among a few other things, indicates that he is lefthanded. Verified.
  • The bodies were discovered by following two sets of footprints leading down from the cemetery to the bodies. Wait a minute. Two sets of footprints? I thought there was only one killer. And why do the prints lead down to the bodies? You mean the bodies were carried by the men who left the footprints down to the dump site? Verified.
  • The boots seized by LE in the bomb threat raid on Indiana Packers are thought to be the exact type of boots that BG was wearing. IP boots are waterproof and extend up to the knee. This would enable BG to walk across the creek without getting wet at all.
  • I believe there may have been something said by LE about BG's eyes being blue? Someone check me on this, please. At any rate, the woman who was walking her dog (Is that the woman who saw BG on the south side of the bridge at 12:30 PM?) said his eyes were brown with a hazel tint.
  • There is a rumor that an unusual knife was used in the crime. Detectives were seen asking around at local hardware stores in the weeks after the crime if anyone had bought a gut knife recently. The rumor is that an unusual knife with a curved blade was used. This ties in with one of the worst rumors of all, that one girl was stabbed her stomach/abdomen and she was partly disembowled. Please note that we have not been able to verify this rumor at all, so it is completely unverified. This may also tie into persistent rumors that one girl was in the early stages of pregnancy.  Nevertheless, it does tie in with the facts about LE feeling that a knife with a curved blade or a gut knife was used in the crime. The first rumor about police in hardware stores is verified and the rumor of one girl being pregnant is verified by a local sheriff's deputy.
  • BG knew the bridge extremely well. Dan McCain said he walks the bridge all the time, and BG walked the bridge faster than Dan does. BG absolutely knew his way around the bridge and the general surrounding area. Verified.

The Daniel Nations Tie-In: Rumor Says a Hatchet Was Used in the Crime

This is actually some very shocking news, but it all makes sense. We know that for some reason, LE was very interested in Nations, who had been committing crimes involving hatchets. Indiana LE went all the way back to Colorado to talk to Colorado LE about this crime. We have been told that LE also went back to another state to check out another criminal who had been committing crimes with a hatchet. One wonders why on Earth LE is going all the way back to other states to check out suspects committing crimes with hatchets.

Well, now we have what may be the answer. There is now a rumor from JM above and now from a second source that a hatchet was used in the Delphi Murders. One shudders to think of how it might have been used. However, one of the girls was killed by a deep cut to her neck. Rumor says she was almost decapitated. Another rumor says that only one inch of skin was holding her neck on.

Now, the standard view all this time was that this attack was done with a knife, probably a hunting knife, possibly one of the five hunting knives BG has in that deer kit around his waist. However, if you know about knives and the cutting of throats, typically a homicide victim with a cut throat is not cut very deeply because it is very hard to make a deep cut in a throat with a mere knife.

If you have seen any of the Al Qaeda and ISIS beheading videos, you can see that huge knives were used to decapitate the victims. It's dubious that BG had a huge knife on him. However, a single blow to a neck with a well-sharpened hatchet could and in many cases would indeed leave such a deep cut that one could nearly decapitate someone with a single swing. Although this is an unverified rumor, it does have the advantage of explaining the odd interest LE had in hatchet criminals in this case.

Chadwell Cleared of Involvement in the Delphi Murders

Chadwell is not considered a suspect in the Delphi Murders. That decision was made two weeks ago!

Via Leigh Kerr on Reddit:

Leigh Kerr
8 hours ago

Chadwell is no longer considered a suspect in the homicides of Abigail and Liberty. I mentioned that a couple of weeks ago on Facebook. Shortly after his arrest, I said I didn't believe it would be him because he didn't match the profile.

I figure that Leigh Kerr is correct on this, as he is on most things.

Good Transcription of the Girls' Conversation Recorded on Libby's Phone Before the Abduction

This comes from Abby's mother, Anna. She was told this by a detective. I do not know whether she was played the tape or not – possibly she was. The source is Gray Hughes. Much as I dislike the man, he is very strict about the truth – far too strict in fact – but due to this, you can generally bet that when Gray decides that something is true, it almost certainly is

-Abby apparently looks at Libby and says "He's right behind me, isn't he?"

-Abby apparently hurries to other side of bridge.

-Girls discuss which way to go – two ways are mentioned.

-Abby says, "Is that a gun? He's got a gun!" followed by "click" sound; the police told family that this is the sound of gun being cocked.

-BG says, "Hey," followed by "Down the hill." (Obviously we know he said "guys".).

-There was no further recording that was clearly discernible.

Handy List of Warrants, Suspects, Deaths, Evidence, Etc. in the Delphi Murders

I got this from a Facebook group from which I am a member in good standing. Yes, haters, I am a member in good standing of a few Facebook groups. It was posted by a good friend of mine. She got it from somewhere off the web. Nevertheless, the information appears to be quite accurate. Hope you may find this useful.

Here is just a short list of warrants, POI's, deaths, and craziness since the murders.

Delphi, IN Maxwell Residence – One of the first residences to be presented with a search warrant in the murders. James Maxwell is cleared.

Peru, IN Unknown Residence – Another of the early residences presented with a search warrant in the murders.

Delphi, IN Logan Residence – One of the first residences to be presented with a search warrant since the girls were found on the owner's property. Owner was arrested for violating probation but was not home during the timeframe the girls went missing.

Flora Fire – Killed four young girls in November 2016. Still unsolved.

Logansport Fire – Killed six, including three children, in November 2018. Still unsolved.

Daniel Nations – Indiana transient arrested in CO for threatening people with a hatchet. Appearance close to first sketch. Cleared.

Thomas Bruce – Missouri Catholic Supply Store rapist and killer. Appearance close to first sketch. Cleared.

Paul Etters – Lafayette, IN rapist committed suicide during police chase. Appearance close to first sketch. Cleared.

Talmadge Jasper – Lafayette, IN murderer who killed his ex-girlfriend's boyfriend. Appearance close to first sketch.

Garrett Kirts, Ashley Garth, Christopher Mathis, Jasmine Parker, Talitha Beckley – Newton County, IN murder gang who killed Nicole Bowen.

Garrett Kirts, Ashley Garth – Monticello, IN murder couple who killed Ray Hanish.

Ron Logan – Delphi, IN owner of property the Delphi girls were murdered on. Arrested for violating probation and incarcerated for one year. Cleared.

Charles Eldridge – Randolph County, IN man arrested for child molestation. Appearance close to first sketch.

Mark J. "Joe" Sandifur – Flora, IN man arrested for inappropriate contact with a 13-year-old. Appearance close to first sketch.

Jack Hewitt – Warsaw, IN Indiana State trooper arrested for sexual battery and sexual misconduct with a minor.

Kurtis Fouts – Delphi, IN Supreme Court Judge who stepped down after video released showing him with an escort. Also had an alleged adult mistress who he befriended at 11 years old. Appearance close to first sketch.

Lee Hoard – Delphi, IN prior Carroll County Sheriff named by a woman via her anonymously released journal released that detailed her statutory rape by this man, but there is no proof that he committed this crime. The woman has since died.

Daniel Doe – Rice Lake, WI man who murdered John McCurdy and Anna Downham and set fire to cover up the murders. Committed suicide in Peru, IN.

Ryan Starnes – Bloomington, IN Indiana State Trooper let go from his position after parents made complaint he was in a legal relationship with their 17 year old daughter.

Young Boy (name unknown) – Made a post saying he was with BG when he murdered the girls.

Gabriel Ellis – Kokomo, IN man incarcerated for child pornography and drugs. Resembles first sketch. Was also the last person Karenna McClerkin was seen with prior to her disappearance. Cleared.

Brian Phillips – Delphi, IN man arrested for calling in bomb threat at Indiana Packers plant.

Jason Wilhelm – Lafayette, IN man arrested in Key West, FL for rape in Indiana, firearm theft in Tennessee, and mentioned by the escort who brought the Lafayette sex ring to light.

Kevin S. Jameson – Lafayette, IN man arrested for attempted abduction of an 11 year old girl in Carroll County, IN. Previous sex offender on the Registry.

James Brian Chadwell (JBC) – Lafayette, IN man arrested after kidnapping, beating, and raping a 9 year old neighbor girl. Being investigated to determine ties, if any, to Delphi. Cleared.

Mark McClellan – Mother stated on social media that he is working with the FBI to solve the Delphi Murders. Nothing confirmed other than the original post.

Shawn Harmon – Continues to state that his father and his own son are the people in the sketches, and that his father is the man known as BG captured on video crossing the bridge. Neither father nor son involved.

Suspicious deaths:

  • Gas station attendant who said she saw MP purchase drinks for the girls the day they went missing.
  • Young girl killed accidentally by her boyfriend.
  • Young girl committed suicide on bicycle bridge.

Suspicious vehicles:

  • Black SUV with stickers on back window observed by Kelli German when dropping off girls.
  • White vehicle with temporary plates picture and tag number captured.
  • Suspicious vehicle located at old CPS building day the girls went missing.
  • Chevrolet truck parked at cemetery but recovered by PB who was part of the search.
  • Local church vehicle parked nearby the day the girls went missing.
  • Horse ridden by LM the day the girls went missing.

Witnesses at the bridge the day the girls went missing:

  • Dan McCain and FSG or Flannel Shirt Guy, McCain's brother.
  • A woman on the south side earlier in the day.
  • A girl in the girls' 8th grade class.

Known crime scene evidence:

  • Libby's missing shoe.
  • Libby's missing phone.
  • iPhone video.
  • Snapchat picture.
  • Victims.
  • Shirt.
  • Underwear in water.
  • Pristine area where the bodies were found.

Known virtual evidence:

  • Libby performed an iPhone reset one week prior to the murders.
  • Libby had an active Kik account.
  • Libby had an active Snapchat account.
  • Abby had a burner phone and tablet.

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Source: https://beyondhighbrow.com/2021/05/29/delphi-murders-update-may-29-2021-police-now-suspect-that-bg-also-killed-the-evansdale-girls/

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